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Trinity Presbyterian Church



All are Welcome

Who we are

We are an inclusive and progressive congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA), and a member of Shenandoah Presbytery. We are a More Light Congregation, seeking to share God's expansive love. As a Matthew 25 Congregation, we are committed to building congregational vitality, dismantling structural racism, and eradicating systemic poverty.


We are seekers on a journey, always listening for how God is speaking to us today. Join us!


To ALL, we offer a welcoming space for: creative and participatory ways

...building together a loving, forgiving, & caring community

...fearless of the questions and challenges that faith stirs within

...called out to work with God for justice, peace, and love

What's Happening Now

New Years' Retreat

Centering Space will offer a New Year's retreat for contemplation and renewal on Sunday, January 19 from 4:00 - 7:00 pm. Plan to join us as we celebrate the legacy of Martin Luther King and pray for the incoming political administration. Sessions will include contemplation stations, yoga, dance, Zentangle, and massage. A light supper will be provided at 6:00 to conclude our time together. There is no fee for this retreat, however, you are invited to make a free will offering to cover the costs associated with the retreat. Register here so that we can have an estimate of how many people will attend.

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