What is God Saying to Trinity
that God is alive and at work in the world today
therefore, we seek to listen to God’s voice that can lead us in the new pathways through the eternal newness that is in the living Christ.
that we are not called to “business as usual”
therefore, the church is never static nor routine – but dynamic and intentional in its expectation that our Lord can re-form it according to the circumstances and needs of God’s world.
that God speaks to a disenchanted and disinterested world
therefore; we must continually seek new ways to make known God’s redemptive power in the world.
that total commitment is the realistic command of Christ Jesus for discipleship
therefore; God calls us to a life of disciplined spiritual growth that includes worship, nurture, fellowship and mission.
that the church exists for the world and not for itself
therefore, its own buildings and programs are to be used for the actual life, service, and witness to the world of God’s grace and love.
that where Christ is known human barriers are broken down
therefore, we seek to be truly open to every person who would respond to our Lord’s call to commitment by working in the world for peace, justice, freedom and human fulfillment.
that lay persons are called and equipped for a particular ministry
therefore, we seek to become a priesthood of believers enabled by the Holy Spirit to minister to and make Christ’s presence known in the society where we live through face to face servant ministry.
that the church is more than institution; it is the household of God
therefore, we strive through house churches to become a community of the concerned, a fellowship of the forgiven, a company of the committed.
that “success” for God’s church is not measured by statistics and budgets, but by losing itself in concern for God’s world
therefore, we seek to reverse the world’s view of the church as an institution pulling in, to that of an organism reaching out.
that the Holy Spirit offers us freedom from new molds of our own making therefore, we rejoice in the “worldly insecurity” that will enable us to continue in an open-ended search for the will of God, wondering and eagerly listening for what God will say to our church tomorrow.