What's Happening Now
It's our digital bulletin board! View upcoming events, important updates and communications, and more here!
Worship 1/05/24
Mark Dewey will continue to lead an adult class in January focusing on the birth narratives in Matthew and Luke. The class will meet in person after worship. The schedule includes classes on January 5, 12, and 19.
Epiphany Dinner
On Sunday January 5th from 3-6pm we will be doing another round of meal prepping for the Trinity Community. The theme will be soups and we will be cooking from 3-5pm, then sharing a meal from 5-6pm. This will serve as the Epiphany dinner offering this year, so please feel free to join us for any or all of that time in the Trinity kitchen. There will be offerings to include a variety of dietary restrictions including nut free, dairy free, gluten free, soy free, and vegetarian options. If you would like to join us and have additional dietary restrictions please let Lizzy Healy know. We hope you can join us for a cozy afternoon of cooking and communion!
Winter Yoga Session
Winter 2025 Yoga will be offered by Centering Space and led by Robin Atwood on Tuesdays, January 7 - February 11 from 5:00-6:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. Click here to register. Suggested donation for the class is $30. You can pay online here, through Trinity's online giving portal, or with a check/cash when you come.
New Years' Retreat
Centering Space will offer a New Year's retreat for contemplation and renewal on Sunday, January 19 from 4:00 - 7:00 pm. Plan to join us as we celebrate the legacy of Martin Luther King and pray for the incoming political administration. Sessions will include contemplation stations, yoga, dance, Zentangle, and massage. A light supper will be provided at 6:00 to conclude our time together. There is no fee for this retreat, however, you are invited to make a free will offering to cover the costs associated with the retreat. Register here so that we can have an estimate of how many people will attend.
Volunteer Signups
Join us by volunteering for coffee hour and assisting with our young disciples on Sundays! Your time and dedication can truly impact the lives of others and create a welcoming environment for all who enter our church doors. Whether you're a seasoned volunteer or looking to get involved for the first time, there's a place for you! Sign up today to be a part of something special and spread the joy of fellowship and learning!